Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It Takes A Village

Ten adults, eleven kids, and 15 gallons of paint later, Water to Wine now sports a new steely gray exterior with white trim!  

We worked in teams of two starting in the morning and ending about 4pm, just in time for Mojitos and some yummy appetizers!

We couldn't have done it without an amazing group of friends who were willing to pack up, drive over, and set up camp in our backyard just to help.  When we told people what we planned to do, they thought we were crazy and wanted to know who the "suckers" were that agreed to come help. 

Truly, God revealed to me in a new way the gift of community...those willing to share life with us, the good and the bad, the fun and the work.  He showed me how what seems impossible becomes possible with and through community.  Whether it is painting a house, dealing with a crisis, or navigating day to day life challenges, having a solid community around us makes all the difference in the world.  Thank you, dear friends!

As you can see from the photos, while we worked, the kids had a blast playing in the sand, making up games, swimming in the water, setting up forts, playing basketball, slip and sliding, and doing what kids do in the summer. 

It was so neat to see them run free from one end of the property to the other...something city kids don't always get to do!  

Just like their parents, they were WIPED OUT by the end of the day!  Nothing a little Star Wars and sleep won't cure.

The weekend was everything we had hoped Water to Wine would be...a place for fun, laughter, memories, and community!


About Me

Kirkland, Washington, United States
