Monday, April 5, 2010


I still have to pinch myself to make sure this is really happening. We are less than 30 days from closing on a waterfront vacation home in Lake Chelan, WA. We had only been to Chelan once, last summer. We fell in love immediately with the climate, terrain, and small town feel. We'd always dreamed of owning a second home but never thought it would happen so soon! Not only was the timing all wrong (my dad was recently diagnosed with late stage lung cancer, and I've been struggling with my own health issues all year), but we hadn't even been looking. It was destined....God wanted us to do this!

The property basically fell into our lap out of nowhere. A close friend's mom keeps an eye on the Chelan market, and forwarded the listing to my friend, who casually mentioned it to a group of us. We played around with the idea of purchasing the property together, but it didn't pan out. For some reason, I still couldn't stop thinking about it. Something in my heart just stuck the first time I heard about it. Long story short, Kevin and I drove to Chelan and back on a Saturday a couple of weeks ago to see this place. The whole way there, I still couldn't believe we were seriously considering it. After visiting the property, we made an offer that night. For those of you who know us well, this is SO out of character (and out of comfort zone) for us (analytical, deliberate people). It all happened so fast, it was surreal...still is. The only way we can explain it is that we just knew through prayer and in our hearts that we were supposed to buy this property.

At first, I felt guilty for entertaining the idea of a vacation home. Many people struggle to afford a single home, and here we are buying a second. Yet, as I continued to pray about it, I continued to feel God's leading and peace. I knew from past experience that His plans are always so much bigger and better than we can imagine, and sometimes we don't always understand. And so, we moved forward in faith, trusting that God would reveal His purposes over time. Sure enough, He is beginning to do so (hope to have more on that later!).

We look forward to the journey ahead and invite you to join us! Thanks for looking.

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Kirkland, Washington, United States
