Thursday, May 13, 2010

Let the Transformation Begin!

This weekend made me feel like one of those designers on HGTV....taking a plain (or dare I say ugly) place and transforming it into something special on a limited budget! FUN. CHALLENGING. And yes, lots of WORK!

Thankfully, Kevin's mom came from Arizona to help us paint. She is amazing and runs a tight ship, so we got everything done that we had set out to do that weekend. Water to Wine is now swathed in bright, fun colors, ready for a fantastic summer!

THANK YOU, JEANNE/MOM/NINA! We are so grateful for you and your servant's heart.

The kids even got into it and knocked themselves out painting the bunk room's closet. Too cute!

Our first family photo in front of Water to Wine...

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Kirkland, Washington, United States
